Semarchy xDI 2025.1.0 LTS is available!

Today we released Semarchy xDI 2025.1.0 (Long Term Support release) on Here is a brief overview of the features in this release:

  • Consolidated features and improvements from the 2024 MS release cycle

    • Improvements to Serializers, Connectors, and the Runtime

    • Improved support and security for a large number of connectors relying on third-party libraries

You can download the software, and get further information from the release notes. (2025.1Actian VectorWiseAmazonAmazon Secret ManagerAMQPAvroBaseCassandraCMISCouchbaseDatabricksElasticsearchGoogle BigQueryGoogle Cloud PlatformGoogle Cloud Secret ManagerGoogle Cloud Storage Delivery RepositoryGreenplumHadoopHyperFile SQLIBM DB2InformixJMSKafkaMicrosoft AzureMicrosoft Azure Blob Storage Delivery RepositoryMicrosoft Azure Key VaultMicrosoft Azure Service BusMicrosoft Azure Table StorageMicrosoft SQL ServerMongoDBMySQLOracleParquetPostgreSQLPrivacy ProtectSalesforceSamplingSAPSAP S/4 HanaSAP ASESAP HanaSAP IQSAP SQL AnywhereSnowflakeSQreamDBTeradataTwitterVertica).

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