Semarchy xDI 2023.1.17 is available!

We have released today on this patch for Semarchy xDI 2023.1.17.

You can read the release notes (2023.1.17, Kafka, Salesforce)

Bug fixes

  • DI-8662: Template *Load Kafka Structured to Rdbms*: fixed an issue that added an extra root or schema node to consumed and produced JSON messages. The fixed connector consumes and produces messages without adding an extra node.
  • DI-9888: Fixed an error that occurred when consulting data from a MariaDB table.
  • DI-9932: Fixed an issue that prevented Execute Delivery process actions from working when memory mode was off.
  • DI-9943: Template *LOAD Salesforce to Rdbms*: Fixed missing line breaks when using bulk mode.
  • DI-9959: Updated README.txt files with the latest URLs.
  • DI-9960: Fixed an issue that erased notes and layouts when copying and pasting mappings that were imported from legacy software versions.
  • DI-10152: Fixed a `javaNullPointer` exception when migrating a Deployment Manager to a Delivery Project.
  • DI-10187: Fixed missing datatypes for Kafka timestamp fields when loading them to an RDBMS stage.
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