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Feature request: save Select columns -settings

Our client asked for a functionality, which allow their business users to save and share Select columns -settings in the same fashion that you can save customer filters on a collection. 

They would like to see different columns based on the project this data belongs to, and thus it is not sensible to create custom business views. 

Best Answer

Hi Anttoni,

thanks for raising this feature request with us. This was already tracked under MDM-12559, not planned yet. If there is a specific customer name to share for better visibility for our product team, please share. If not, I'll use your partner's name.


Customer has been shared via private email. Thanks again Anttoni !


Could I have your email to share the name of customer? Their not a public reference for us, so we'd rather send it through private channels.



Hi Anttoni,

thanks for raising this feature request with us. This was already tracked under MDM-12559, not planned yet. If there is a specific customer name to share for better visibility for our product team, please share. If not, I'll use your partner's name.


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