Is it possible inx DI to use the oracle function Connect by level?
I would like from a character string separated by “; in my source file, do an online conversion.
My query in the SQL editor is:
SELECT distinct RUID, trim(regexp_substr(TYPE_CODE, '[^;]+', 1, LEVEL)) FROM TMP_TEST_TYPE CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count(TYPE_CODE, ';')+1
You can use a Metadata Query for your use case :
You can directly pur your select query in a Query Metadata : create and use a metadata query. This Query Metadata will then be usable in a mapping as a source datastore.
Audric FREY
Is it possible inx DI to use the oracle function Connect by level?
I would like from a character string separated by “; in my source file, do an online conversion.
My query in the SQL editor is:
You can use a Metadata Query for your use case :
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Sorted by Oldest FirstAudric FREY
You can use a Metadata Query for your use case :
You can directly pur your select query in a Query Metadata : create and use a metadata query. This Query Metadata will then be usable in a mapping as a source datastore.
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