xDM template: unique constraint violation in ETL_PROCESSES table when trying to get many LoadID on the same process
Xavier Meunier
started a topic
about 2 years ago
The 'Get LoadID' tool enables to get a load ID from the Semarchy xDM repository, which is useful (required, actually) to load data into Semarchy xDM data location.
But, you can only use this tool once in a execution session. Otherwise, you will get a duplicate error from the database where the LoadID is stored for the second execution of the tool in the same session.
This is because the LoadID is linked to the session ID, that is to the process being executed.
Best Answer
Xavier Meunier
about 2 years ago
To be able to get many LoadID, you have to get each from another sub-process. Such sub-processes might be launched by an "Execute a Delivery" action.
This way, every LoadID will belong to different sessions, preventing duplicate value error from the database.
In the example below, both "Person_Data_Load" and "Person_Char_Lineage_Link_Load" load a LoadID, run a mapping and then proceed to a submit action.
Therefore, they have to be separated in deferent sessions, as done thanks to the ExecuteDelivery action.
1 Comment
Xavier Meunier
about 2 years ago
To be able to get many LoadID, you have to get each from another sub-process. Such sub-processes might be launched by an "Execute a Delivery" action.
This way, every LoadID will belong to different sessions, preventing duplicate value error from the database.
In the example below, both "Person_Data_Load" and "Person_Char_Lineage_Link_Load" load a LoadID, run a mapping and then proceed to a submit action.
Therefore, they have to be separated in deferent sessions, as done thanks to the ExecuteDelivery action.
Xavier Meunier
The 'Get LoadID' tool enables to get a load ID from the Semarchy xDM repository, which is useful (required, actually) to load data into Semarchy xDM data location.
But, you can only use this tool once in a execution session. Otherwise, you will get a duplicate error from the database where the LoadID is stored for the second execution of the tool in the same session.
This is because the LoadID is linked to the session ID, that is to the process being executed.
To be able to get many LoadID, you have to get each from another sub-process. Such sub-processes might be launched by an "Execute a Delivery" action.
This way, every LoadID will belong to different sessions, preventing duplicate value error from the database.
In the example below, both "Person_Data_Load" and "Person_Char_Lineage_Link_Load" load a LoadID, run a mapping and then proceed to a submit action.
Therefore, they have to be separated in deferent sessions, as done thanks to the ExecuteDelivery action.
Xavier Meunier
To be able to get many LoadID, you have to get each from another sub-process. Such sub-processes might be launched by an "Execute a Delivery" action.
This way, every LoadID will belong to different sessions, preventing duplicate value error from the database.
In the example below, both "Person_Data_Load" and "Person_Char_Lineage_Link_Load" load a LoadID, run a mapping and then proceed to a submit action.
Therefore, they have to be separated in deferent sessions, as done thanks to the ExecuteDelivery action.
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