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Previous step name from a sub-process of execute delivery

We have a process which has an Execute Delivery. The delivery execute a sub-process and in the sub-process we would like to retrieve the name of the previous step before the sub-process.

The step to retrieve is the one just before the process. From the sub-process GCE_p_TEC_log_step_ISF of the delivery TEST_GCE_p_GCE_ISF_PPH_Child  we want to retrieve all information's about datastore of the step GCE_m_001_i_DHB_PPH. (Refer screenshot)

How can we do it?


Best Answer

It is not possible to extract Source and Target table names from a mapping at execution time because a mapping may have multiple Sources, Targets and the same datastore can be both a Source and a Target in the same mapping.

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It is not possible to extract Source and Target table names from a mapping at execution time because a mapping may have multiple Sources, Targets and the same datastore can be both a Source and a Target in the same mapping.

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