We have 2 flows which insert data into the same table let's say table "Customers". The integration template generate a temp table named "I_Customers", which is destroyed at the end of the mapping.
If we run the flows in parallel, there is a conflict because:
- flow 1 creates I_Customers
- flow 1 integrates data
- flow 2 doesn't create I_Customers, since it already exists
- flow 1 drops I_Customers
- flow 2 crashes during data integration, since I_Customers does not exist anymore!
How can we proceed to make sure that temp tables are unique?
Best Answer
Gaurav Srivastava
over 2 years ago
We can set temporary table names in the target metadata, on the Schema node or Table node.
Mapping ID can be used particularly when working with different Mappings in parallel.
Gaurav Srivastava
We have 2 flows which insert data into the same table let's say table "Customers". The integration template generate a temp table named "I_Customers", which is destroyed at the end of the mapping.
If we run the flows in parallel, there is a conflict because:
- flow 1 creates I_Customers
- flow 1 integrates data
- flow 2 doesn't create I_Customers, since it already exists
- flow 1 drops I_Customers
- flow 2 crashes during data integration, since I_Customers does not exist anymore!
How can we proceed to make sure that temp tables are unique?
We can set temporary table names in the target metadata, on the Schema node or Table node.
Mapping ID can be used particularly when working with different Mappings in parallel.
For example:
Load mask: L[number]_[targetName]_{tech:shortMapId()}
Integration mask: I_[targetName]_{tech:shortMapId()}
Gaurav Srivastava
We can set temporary table names in the target metadata, on the Schema node or Table node.
Mapping ID can be used particularly when working with different Mappings in parallel.
For example:
Load mask: L[number]_[targetName]_{tech:shortMapId()}
Integration mask: I_[targetName]_{tech:shortMapId()}
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