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How to Customize Hierarchy View UI

Hi Team,

I have a specific requirement related to hierarchy.

I have created a Hierarchy view for Parent and Child. If a parent has child records, then it is behaving as expected such as if I click on the twisty (> symbol), it is expanding and showing respective child records. But even if a parent doesn't have any child records associated then also, I can see the twisty (> symbol) beside the parent record, if I click on that then it is getting vanished. My requirement is I don't want that expanding symbol (>) to be exist if a parent record does not have any child records associated with it.

Can you please suggest how it can be possible through some customizations.



Best Answer

Hello Das,

In parent business view click on child like i have Addresses here then go to Hierarchy Configuration . Here you will see Enable in Hierarchy in this you will add semQL condition ->  ANY Addresses HAS (1=1).  change addresses to your child entity name.

Here is the result in UI. if parent doesn't have any child then child node will not appears  :-


Hello Das,

In parent business view click on child like i have Addresses here then go to Hierarchy Configuration . Here you will see Enable in Hierarchy in this you will add semQL condition ->  ANY Addresses HAS (1=1).  change addresses to your child entity name.

Here is the result in UI. if parent doesn't have any child then child node will not appears  :-

1 person likes this

Thank you very much Toshish for this solution example. It has worked for me.



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