How to retrieve workflow status (rejected or approved.)
started a topic
11 months ago
I would like to retrieve the status of a workflow launched by Semarchy.
I want to know if the request has been rejected or approved.
Example: a user initiated a workflow to create a perfume.
The data steward rejected the creation of this perfume.
How do I retrieve that the creation of this perfume has been rejected
Thank you
Best Answer
Toshish Chauhan
11 months ago
Hlo Wijden,
In My Tasks we have My Workflows tab when we click here on that all workflows list appears and when we click on any workflow a side tab will arrive in which we can see the history or lifecycle of workflow.
In My Tasks we have My Workflows tab when we click here on that all workflows list appears and when we click on any workflow a side tab will arrive in which we can see the history or lifecycle of workflow.
11 months ago
Hello Toshish,
Thank you for your quick reply. Where can I find this information in the repository and API?
Toshish Chauhan
11 months ago
Hlo Wijden,
In Db side you can find it in wf_step_instance table. You can use this query to retrieve Discard or rejected product :-
select * from wf_step_instance where selected_transition_name = 'DiscardProduct';
For approved product you can use this query :-
select * from wf_step_instance where selected_transition_name = 'SaveToxDM';
I would like to retrieve the status of a workflow launched by Semarchy.
I want to know if the request has been rejected or approved.
Example: a user initiated a workflow to create a perfume.
The data steward rejected the creation of this perfume.
How do I retrieve that the creation of this perfume has been rejected
Thank you
Hlo Wijden,
In My Tasks we have My Workflows tab when we click here on that all workflows list appears and when we click on any workflow a side tab will arrive in which we can see the history or lifecycle of workflow.
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Sorted by PopularToshish Chauhan
Hlo Wijden,
In My Tasks we have My Workflows tab when we click here on that all workflows list appears and when we click on any workflow a side tab will arrive in which we can see the history or lifecycle of workflow.
Hello Toshish,
Thank you for your quick reply. Where can I find this information in the repository and API?
Toshish Chauhan
Hlo Wijden,
In Db side you can find it in wf_step_instance table. You can use this query to retrieve Discard or rejected product :-
select * from wf_step_instance where selected_transition_name = 'DiscardProduct';
For approved product you can use this query :-
select * from wf_step_instance where selected_transition_name = 'SaveToxDM';
Thank you :)
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