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Enricher for splitting names into parts for matching


I'm looking into a solution for matching names that have partial "compound" parts. That is, a name which has 2 or more parts separated by space, hyphen, or apostrophe.

Is it feasible to create an enricher that can parse strings based on specific characters ( -'), into partial name 1, partial name 2, partial name 3, etc. and then use these enriched attributes to compare in matching SemQL?

For example,  1 name field record "Elias-Manuel-Martinez" would be parsed into separate values p1 (Elias), p2(Manuel), p3(Martinez). And then the SemQL matcher would include:

record1.p1 = record2.fullname OR record1.p2 = record2.fullname OR record1.p3 = record2.fullname.

Please reply if this question makes sense and if there are any ideas for implementing this. Thanks!

Best Answer

Hello David

Yes , it is possible to split the given records in three and use them for matching 

For this you need to create an enricher and add three attributes with the given expression as shown below

Activate this enricher on stepper now these three attributes will get the value from the name as you required

After the enrichment you can use these three attributes in your match rule as you need


Hello David

Yes , it is possible to split the given records in three and use them for matching 

For this you need to create an enricher and add three attributes with the given expression as shown below

Activate this enricher on stepper now these three attributes will get the value from the name as you required

After the enrichment you can use these three attributes in your match rule as you need

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Hi Bharat,

Thank you for the helpful response. 

We anticipate 'Bharat-Gopal-Joshi' coming in  JUST the first name or last name fields, rather than being split into first name, last name. If 'Bharat-Gopal-Joshi' is all one last name, I want to split it so that any combination of 'Gopal' 'Joshi' will match with the full name. I believe the examples you shared are splitting them into first, last, lastttname. Is that correct? I want to split the full name into 3 parts of either first or last name.

Is it possible to have the enricher include multiple SPLIT_PART expressions like so:

SPLIT_PART(SourceFirstName, '- ', 1)

SPLIT_PART(SourceFirstName, '- ', 2)

SPLIT_PART(SourceFirstName, '- ', 3)

thanks for your insight!

Hello David

In my enricher Name attribute  is the input source and  'Bharat-Gopal-Joshi'  is entered in name attribute and it is getting split in 3 words as required in three different technical attributes  firstname, lastname, lastttname and now we can use these three attributes in the match rule to compare or however the requirement is.

And yes you can add multiple split part expressions


Thanks for clarifying. I would first need to create a new technical attribute like 'lastttname' to call in the enricher correct?

Bharat, I am not sure if I'm understanding how to implement this enricher properly. I want to be careful not to assign an input source name to LastName unless SourceLastName is the attribute I'm working with.

Can you help me troubleshoot this?


Would it make sense to add 2 new attributes for First and Last name, so that I can have FirstName, FirstName2, FirstName 3 and LastName, LastName2, LastName3? This would be a total of 6 attributes that I can then add 1 SPLIT_PART expression with the corresponding SourceName

Hello David

You should not add multiple split part expression in the same query,

Instead you can create three different technical attributes as i have done in my previous reply

Thank you Bharat,

Are there any downstream complications of adding attributes? For example, I'd want these attributes to be used for this purpose only, but not necessarily to persist through to the MD, GD, UM, etc. tables 

Hello David

Answered your question in other forum which you created

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I don't see how to activate an enricher in the Stepper. Can you help?

Hello David 

In the stepper you can go to the form step and then in the form enricher tab to activate the enricher on data change or on form open 

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