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Referential integrity checks on a Complex datatype

Hi -

We are in process of finalizing data model for our domain.

We are using a complex datatype to store address . The definition attributes of this address complex datatype are:






We have two lookup tables - Lkp_Region which has all the values of region and Lkp_Country which has all the values of country.

We need to establish a foreign key relationship between Lkp_Region and Region definition attribute of the complex datatype that we have created. We need to do the same between Country  definition attribute of the complex datatype and Lkp_country.


Is this use case of applting foreign key constraints on fields of a complex datatype feasible ? and how we should go about implementing refrential integrity on columns of a complex datatype ?


Thanks for the response

Best Answer
When creating a reference relationship, the relationship is on the entity not on a specific  attribute. For example if you create a entity address with a complex data type, the relationship with region would create a reference to region from entity with its own attribute. FID_Region 

Thanks. That answers my question.

We were lookign to create an address data type . But we need to enforce country & region values via a refrence relationship. Guess, we will create the address fields as simple attributes and work from there.


No, the reference attribute is created once the relationship is created. We cannot force the reference attribute to be apart of the complex type. 

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Hi Fathia -

Thanks for the response.

To clarify my question - In the example that you have provided, my ask is - can the Region FK that is created on Address table, be part of 'InputAddress' complex datatype ? rather than existing as a simple attribute of Address entity ?



When creating a reference relationship, the relationship is on the entity not on a specific  attribute. For example if you create a entity address with a complex data type, the relationship with region would create a reference to region from entity with its own attribute. FID_Region 

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