I forgot to enable Clear temporary objects before a deployment and now there are multiple temporary tables that I want to drop. Suppose, they all start with L1_ so is there any simple query that would allow me to drop them all at once?
Best Answer
Gaurav Srivastava
over 2 years ago
If this need to be done in one shot, I would suggest using a database management tool which can help selecting multiple tables and drop them at once, for example DBeaver.
Other solutions using XDI are:
- Reverse all these tables and use the tool "AUTOMATION Rdbms Operation" from the Palette.
- Design a process using an SqlOperation action which lists these tables and bind it to another SqlOperation which does the DROP for each table.
Caution: this cannot be cancelled, make sure you select only those temporary tables you want to drop.
1 Comment
Gaurav Srivastava
over 2 years ago
If this need to be done in one shot, I would suggest using a database management tool which can help selecting multiple tables and drop them at once, for example DBeaver.
Other solutions using XDI are:
- Reverse all these tables and use the tool "AUTOMATION Rdbms Operation" from the Palette.
- Design a process using an SqlOperation action which lists these tables and bind it to another SqlOperation which does the DROP for each table.
Caution: this cannot be cancelled, make sure you select only those temporary tables you want to drop.
Gaurav Srivastava
I forgot to enable Clear temporary objects before a deployment and now there are multiple temporary tables that I want to drop. Suppose, they all start with L1_ so is there any simple query that would allow me to drop them all at once?
If this need to be done in one shot, I would suggest using a database management tool which can help selecting multiple tables and drop them at once, for example DBeaver.
Other solutions using XDI are:
- Reverse all these tables and use the tool "AUTOMATION Rdbms Operation" from the Palette.
- Design a process using an SqlOperation action which lists these tables and bind it to another SqlOperation which does the DROP for each table.
Caution: this cannot be cancelled, make sure you select only those temporary tables you want to drop.
Gaurav Srivastava
If this need to be done in one shot, I would suggest using a database management tool which can help selecting multiple tables and drop them at once, for example DBeaver.
Other solutions using XDI are:
- Reverse all these tables and use the tool "AUTOMATION Rdbms Operation" from the Palette.
- Design a process using an SqlOperation action which lists these tables and bind it to another SqlOperation which does the DROP for each table.
Caution: this cannot be cancelled, make sure you select only those temporary tables you want to drop.
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