Hello !! Someone knows if the messages sent by the system are configurable, such as when a new record is registered or the refresh message to view the changes ??
Best Answer
Stéphanie FOURRIER
over 2 years ago
The built-in platform messages, as well as any label in the user-facing UI, can be customized via Custom Translations. You just need to provide translations only the strings that you with to customize.
1 Comment
Stéphanie FOURRIER
over 2 years ago
The built-in platform messages, as well as any label in the user-facing UI, can be customized via Custom Translations. You just need to provide translations only the strings that you with to customize.
Stéphanie FOURRIER
Hello !! Someone knows if the messages sent by the system are configurable, such as when a new record is registered or the refresh message to view the changes ??
The built-in platform messages, as well as any label in the user-facing UI, can be customized via Custom Translations. You just need to provide translations only the strings that you with to customize.
Stéphanie FOURRIER
The built-in platform messages, as well as any label in the user-facing UI, can be customized via Custom Translations. You just need to provide translations only the strings that you with to customize.
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