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How do I determine a models status (open/closed)

How do I determine a models status (open/closed)

Best Answer

In Application Builder, navigate to Open Model Edition. Select the desired model by clicking on the model root branch object. For the selected model, the Statuscolumn will display a corresponding value of OPEN or CLOSED

Status column displays corresponding value
Status column displays corresponding value

Hi Fathia,

Can we remove the open model edition. If yes, then how?
We actually need to discard the changes made in the last open edition.


We need to delete the last open edition, as to discard the changes. Can you please assist.

Hi Jaspreet, unfortunately deleting one model edition is not possible.  Deleting would require you to delete the root model and all of its editions. However, you can close the model edition and open a new one, which will make the model uneditable. 


In Application Builder, navigate to Open Model Edition. Select the desired model by clicking on the model root branch object. For the selected model, the Statuscolumn will display a corresponding value of OPEN or CLOSED

Status column displays corresponding value
Status column displays corresponding value
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