Choosing Created/Updated by attribute from LDAP connection
Darren MOSS
started a topic
5 months ago
We use an LDAP identity provider.
We allow for users to authenticate using either sAMAccountName, UserPrincipalName or email when logging into xDM.
On each login, we retrieve the user's email address for notification purposes regardless of which method they used to authenticate.
I noticed that created/updated by audit information uses whatever the user logged in with at the time they performed the changes to the records. This makes reading audit logs tricky as not all users use the same authentication method and even the same user uses different methods when they login. In those cases, audits are displaying mixes of UPN, SAM and Email, which is untidy and confusing.
Is there a way to configure the audit logging to always use the email address regardless of authentication method?
This way the audit information would be consistent and much easier to read.
Darren MOSS
We use an LDAP identity provider.
We allow for users to authenticate using either sAMAccountName, UserPrincipalName or email when logging into xDM.
On each login, we retrieve the user's email address for notification purposes regardless of which method they used to authenticate.
I noticed that created/updated by audit information uses whatever the user logged in with at the time they performed the changes to the records.
This makes reading audit logs tricky as not all users use the same authentication method and even the same user uses different methods when they login.
In those cases, audits are displaying mixes of UPN, SAM and Email, which is untidy and confusing.
Is there a way to configure the audit logging to always use the email address regardless of authentication method?
This way the audit information would be consistent and much easier to read.