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I would like to see different name and different colors for my application in development and in production, Is this possible?

As an end user I would like to see different name and different colors for my application in development and in production.

This will help us to identify and to differentiate between two environments.

Best Answer


Yes it is possible, we can use different logo/avatar/cover images in the image library with the exact same name accross environment. 

for example, you have two different environment and test, and you need to identify their application so you can use different logo/avatar/cover images in the image library with the exact same name and can identify with the images.

environment 1:

environment 2:

1 Comment



Yes it is possible, we can use different logo/avatar/cover images in the image library with the exact same name accross environment. 

for example, you have two different environment and test, and you need to identify their application so you can use different logo/avatar/cover images in the image library with the exact same name and can identify with the images.

environment 1:

environment 2:

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