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Data notification on Record deletion

I would like to get notification whenever something is deleted or upserted in semarchy. UPSERT is working nicely since notification's payload has attribute EntityNames which tells us where the data has changed its status. But when DDJ-job finishes it does not return any value for EntityNames. What would be suggested way to get notification of deleted records?

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I learn this option ; a sample in attachment :


Sorry, my UI is in french.





I learn this option ; a sample in attachment :


Sorry, my UI is in french.



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You are correct that the default Delete jobs do not fill in the parameter EntityName with a value. Typically this is because each delete job is specific to only the entity that triggered the Delete. In the Job Notification Policy, you could use the JobName parameter, which will include the entity name.

Can you please provide more details on how to configure data notifications for deletion action without using default job notification server and policy.
We are using kafka data notifications and notification server or job notification policy is not configured.

Hi Krunal,

for record deletions, the ViewType of the data notification has to be set to Deleted Golden or Delete Master to let the notification retrieve the actual data deleted. 

This would be different data notification. You will have 2 of them, one with Golden Data for create, update, the other for the deletions. The checkbox "notifiy on empty data set" needs to be unchecked to prevent any duplicate notification.

I hope this helps.


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