Author: Derek Leung
Product version: 2024.X (tested on 2024.2)
We came across the requirement to configure Data Notification to Confluent Cloud (Kafka). Here are step-by-step configuration with screenshots.
Summarized Solution
Data Notification from xDM to Confluent Cloud can be configured using Application Designer and Confluent Cloud Cluster administration UI.
Detailed Solution
- Confluent Cloud Cluster
- Semarchy xDM 2024.X (2024.2 in my screenshots)
Step-by-step guide
1. You need the following information from your Confluent Cloud Cluster set-up:
- Bootstrap server
- API Key
- API Secret
- Your topic name (It's called "Semarchy" in my step)
2. Configure Data Notification with the followings settings:
Target Type : Kafka
Kafka Topic : semarchy
Target Properties Name:
acks : all
bootstrap.servers : {Confluent Cloud - Bootstrap Server}
sasl.jaas.config : required username='{Confluent Cloud - API Key}' password='{Confluent Cloud - API Secret}';
sasl.mechanism : PLAIN
security.protocol : SASL_SSL
Reference :
3. Test Data Notification, if it is successful
4. You should see that in the Topic