
When starting a Runtime installed as a Windows Service, a popup shows this error: 

"The system cannot find the file specified" 

In french: "Le fichier spécifié est introuvable".

The Command Line for the Windows Service entry starts with "java.exe"


The error means that the Windows Service cannot find the java executable. 

The idea is to provide the path to Java. 

One of these configurations generally works. 

  • When installing the Windows Service, make sure the command line environment "knows" the JAVA_HOME environment variable
  • Edit the file "runtime\external\windows-service\conf\xdi-runtime-service.conf" 
    • This file was named "runtime\external\stambiaService\conf\stambiaEngine.conf" in Stambia versions (S17, S19, S20)
    • Specify the Java path in parameter "", for example: = D:\\apps\\java\\jre1.8.0_251\\bin\\java.exe