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What happens to old golden records when a new master record merges with existing goldens?

Let's use the CustomerB2CDemo tutorial environment and dataset. 

Day 1: I loaded Wesley with source record ID CRM.1365204. 

This creates a new golden record with ID 15069. 

Day 2: I loaded 3 new source records which are duplicates CRM.1422971, CRM.1398375, MKT.1379005 (see the spreadsheet attached to this topic). These duplicates master records match and merge with the Wesley record with source record ID CRM.1365204. 

A new golden ID is created on the golden record 8a035.

In the MI table, I see that the CRM.1365204 record has an b_oldsdpk with the old golden ID, 15069. This makes sense to me because the 15069 golden record no longer exists. 

The  customer wants to know what happened to the old golden record. Does xDM send the old golden record to the GX table for delete? Or does xDM update the golden record to reflect the new golden ID and the new consolidated values?  


Best Answer

Old golden record is moved to GX table  for deletion because that golden record became legless (if all the master records of a golden record are deleted, the golden record becomes legless and is automatically deleted. Golden-record deletion supports the deletion propagation defined in the reference relationships.).

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Old golden record is moved to GX table  for deletion because that golden record became legless (if all the master records of a golden record are deleted, the golden record becomes legless and is automatically deleted. Golden-record deletion supports the deletion propagation defined in the reference relationships.).

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