xDM 2024.3.0 MS is available!

We have just released Semarchy xDM 2024.3.0 (Mainstream Support release) on semarchy.com. Here is a brief overview of the features in this release:

  • Updates to the Semarchy xDM Purview Connector.

  • A new Set Workflow Metadata automation.

  • The Start From Selected Parent workflow startup context.

  • Additional GenAI enrichers leveraging models provided by prominent providers such as OpenAI, Microsoft Azure AI, Google Vertex AI, and Amazon Bedrock are now available. 

  • AI-based classification enrichers, categorizing data with small (“few-shot”) to no (“zero-shot”) sample classified datasets. 

You can download the software and view the release notes through these hyperlinks. 

Thank you for being a valued part of the Semarchy community. 

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