xDM 5.3.16 is available!

We have released today on semarchy.com this patch for Semarchy xDM 5.3.

You can read the release notes (5.3.16).

New Feature

  • MDM-13310: In the Application Builder, reference relationships now return a warning during model validation when the Delete Propagation property is set to Nullify and the override strategy for the referencing entity is set to Override - Until consolidated value changes.
Previously, this configuration was not allowed and returned an error in the model validation report.A configuration with the Delete Propagation property set to Nullify and the override strategy for the referencing entity set to No override is still not allowed and raises a model validation error.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-13368: Entity Collections security enhancement
  • MDM-13377: Browser freezes when the user switches between two browsing form tabs containing embedded collections before the embedded collection has finished loading in the first tab.
  • MDM-13395: Third party library upgrade: org.yaml:snakeyaml
  • MDM-13364: Third party library upgrade: moment.js
  • MDM-13303: Third party library upgrade: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
  • MDM-13301: Third party library upgrade: DOMPurify
  • MDM-13181: Secured Kafka data notification fails when using sasl.jaas.config with the org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to construct kafka producer error.

The offers on Docker, AWS, Azure, and GCP will be updated to this version in the following days.

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