When attempting to activate or sync Semarchy xDM licenses, users may encounter errors. These errors are typically indicative of restrictions on the server or network attempting to connect to the Semarchy license server. This article outlines troubleshooting steps to resolve license-related errors.

Description of Errors

WARNING [ClusteredPlatformScheduler_Worker-5] org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doDefaultLogging Interceptor for {https://license-api.semarchy.com}WebClient has thrown exception, unwinding now 
 org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Could not send Message. 

 Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: SSLProtocolException invoking https://license.semarchy.com/api/rest/loads/LicenseServer: Connection reset 

javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: SSLHandshakeException invoking https://license-api.semarchy.com/rest/query/LicenseServer/xDMInstance/GD/1xyxEeefc-3cd8-11-995670-57f9XX91r?$expr=LicenseKey: Remote host closed connection during handshake


  1. On the application server, verify the server has internet access. Check network connection properties or attempt to navigate to a specific URL from a web browser on the application server.
  2. Verify Required Ports 80/443 are open and allow traffic from all addresses.
  3. Ensure firewall is not blocking connections to license-api.semarchy.com for outbound traffic (whitelist IP address).
  4. Create a HAR file to analyze network traffic
    • Open the chrome Dev Tools (F12) > Network tab
    • Reload the page and sync license
    • Right click on the network logs
    • Select “Save all as HARExport as HAR with content”
  5. Enable logger for license client by appending logger with - org.apache.cxf.transport
  6. In setenv or the Java -9 Options add a line -Dmdm.license.sync.url=https://license.semarchy.com/api/, then restart tomcat services.