If you need to revert or rollback to a previous revision, editing an earlier version might not work (you might not be able to make a commit afterwards).

Here is an alternative way, which shows how to make a new commit that undoes all of the changes made, from the revision you want to bring back, up to the Head.

To do this, proceed backwards, step by step, using "Revert Changes from Revision xx" functionality, from the last revision to the revision you want to bring back.

For Example, to rollback to revision 12, sequentially execute:

 - Revert Changes from Revision 17 (your code is now as in revision 16),

 - Revert Changes from Revision 16 (your code is now as in revision 15),

 - Revert Changes from Revision 15 (your code is now as in revision 14),

 - Revert Changes from Revision 14 (your code is now as in revision 13), 

 - Revert Changes from Revision 13 (your code is now as in revision 12).